Optimise performance in your business with call tracking

Optimise performance in your business with call tracking


So you understand how call tracking analytics can give you higher insight into your business but the question is how do you use these insights to maximise performance in different areas of your business?


Team management and training


Inbound and outbound call recording gives you the power to listen to call snippets, monitor roles of your team and identify their strengths and weaknesses. This will give you an insight into the kind of training each individual needs. Call recording allows you to then track the impact of the training or coaching by monitoring the change in sales or customer service techniques. This will enable you to identify any bigger issues within the team. On the other hand it also allows you see peak times for calls and when or what results in successful call conversions.


The words that work


Maximise the success of any coaching or training session through carefully monitoring key words and phrases used by sales/customer advisor staff. This will help you understand which phrases are successful and which need to be avoided or adapted by staff. This also goes for interactions that should be avoided to make your customers journey more efficient and satisfying. You can also monitor which products are mentioned more frequently to understand the relevance and to give you clarity on how your campaigns are succeeding.


Never miss a potential sale


Through the use of our number manager your business will never miss a call again! With our multi-call option clients can route different destination numbers to different locations which will all ring at the same time until the call is answered. If a call is missed during a busy period a missed call alert is issued.During out of hours times customers can leave a message when your office is closed. Keep your customer satisfaction levels high using our call queuing system which supports you in retaining callers. Our call whisper option notifies the call recipient of the call origin so you can have an understanding of your customers needs from the offset.


Our goal is to improve your businesses goals by giving you the tools to increase conversion rates, delivering that vital return on investment. Get in touch now on 03330 096 332 for a quote tailored to your business’s needs.

